These days many of us are feeling depressed, anxious, or isolated. The primary mission of Down By Riverside is to foster feelings of connectedness and community with music. The program will focus on staying present in the moment and creating time and space to relax. Hendrik will focus on the sounds of the sound bath, while Kathleen Willis will focus on meditation and the spiritual practice of the event.
What’s a Soundbath?
A soundbath is a performance of sound or music which is intended to relax, to spiritually heal, and to create a meditative state. Hendrik will play gong and singing bowls for this program.. Often the sounds are long, deep sustained tones and harmonic resonances that happen higher above the droning tones. The sound serves as a focal point for meditation. Instead of trying to focus on nothing or on the breath, the participant concentrates on the sound as it changes and develops. The actual sound bath will last about 40 minutes.
What to expect:
Please bring a yoga mat or meditation cushion with you. You will also get the option to sit in a chair if desired or preferred.
There will be an introductory meditation before the sound bath. The actual sound bath will last about 40 minutes.
Kathleen is a professional Interfaith Chaplain, Certified Psychedelic -assisted spiritual care provider, and author with Wisdom Publications. She is authorized to teach and share transmissions from the Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist tradition by Khempo Migmar of the Sakya Institute for Tibetan Studies.
She will co-facilitate the sound bath lead by Hendrik. She will start with a short Tong Lin (giving&receiving) meditation practice. and at the conclusion of the sonic experience lead a short expressive-arts integration she has created combining the Kapala Practice of Lama Tsultrim Allione and prompted writing exercises which will allow participants the opportunity to set intentions before as well as reflect on their experience after the sound bath to add further layers to the somatic healing.
Kathleen Willis is the Founder of the retreat center DAWAFields: the Sanctuary for Artistic, Spiritual, & Psychedelic-Integrative Somatic Healing Practices ( in Corinth VT. She also has a private practice office at ACM in Medford MA ( DAWA Entheogenic Services combining Expressive-arts, Psychedelic Assisted Integration consultation, and Somatic Practices.
Hendrik Gideonse is the founder of Down By Riverside, a non-profit focused on creating community with music, potlucks and individual connections.